What places?

Before saying the places I went, I must make it clear how long the journey was, more than 15 hours and all because the traffic in Bogota, the principal city in my country, and by far the most congested, just to enter the city it took us three hours, please! If you have a posinbility to take a plane, do it! don't think it twice.
Whatever, that I arrived to the downtown of a town inhabited by very religous people. You don't need to imagine how is the image, I broght a pic:

That's Chiquinquira. I could see people with scapular hanging from their necks, old people, very much old people! And also so many religous stores. If you like take pics I think you're gonna like the architecture of Chiquinquira, you don't need more than seeing that huge cathedral and that huge plaza. Here some examples to look like a model or instagramer:

Oh! I was leaving it aside, that's my sister Nicole! She almost always pose for me and my camera. I really liked seeing her again and, this is one of the best parts of this trip, the nigh life you can try out!!! There are so much cafes, cafe bars, nightclubs and the most important of any establishment, the esthetic that brings us differents contacts with the spice we are living!!! That's awesome!!!

But that's not the unique place I went, and talking about architecture of Chiquinquira which falls short to the buildings in the next town I went, Villa de Leyva, here some pics:

  However, there's something more precious than buildings, and that's the architecture of nature, the perfect symmetry of the trees, the open field. It wasn't weird to leave suddenly in the morning to walk and breath fresh air, see that many trees, to listen the sound of the nature, the song of the brids, all that was wonderful!!!
